Monday, January 19, 2015


The jury will assess your presentation according to the following criteria:

I. STRUCTURE (7.5 pts)

1-       INTRODUCTION (2.5 pts)
  • Welcoming the audience
  • Introducing oneself (name, position)
  • Introducing the topic
  • Presenting the structure of the talk
  • Giving the length of the presentation 
  • Presenting the questions policy

2-       BODY (3 pts)

  • 3 parts, organized in a logical way
  • Each part is divided into different sub-parts
  • The different parts of the presentation are signaled :

- Ending the introduction

- Beginning the main body

- Ending the main body

  • The organization:

- The structure is logical

-  Information is organized into lists

-  Linkers are used to facilitate understanding

-  Information is sequenced

3-       ENDING (2 pts)

  • Summarizing the main points
  • Giving conclusions or recommendations
  • Thanking the audience 
  • Inviting for questions or introducing discussion

II. CONTENT (5 pts)

1-     TOPIC  (3  pts)
  • Related to the theme, i.e. work.
  •  Showing some form of originality
  • Rich in well-selected information.
2-     VISUALS (2 pts)

-         Clear and appropriate to the content

-         Used effectively: they should supplement the content and the speaker should refer to them

III. DELIVERY (7.5 pts)

1-       STYLE (1.5 pts)

  • Maintaining eye contact with the audience
  • Using appropriate body language and gestures
  • Varying the speed, voice volume and pitch to maintain interest
  • Overcoming nerves and showing enthusiasm for their topic


Either giving an appropriate answer, asking for clarification before answering, or admitting not knowing the answer

3-       TIME MANAGEMENT (0.5 pts)

The presentation should last between 10 and 15 min

4-       LANGUAGE proficiency (3.5 pts)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


The oral exam will take place on Thursday, 22 January 2015 from 9:00 a.m.

So, you have plenty of time to prepare and rehearse your presentation.

Please inform your friends!