Thursday, December 29, 2016

ORAL EXAM 2016-17

The oral presentation skills exam will take place on the 10 and 11 January 2017.

The student lists will be posted a few days before.

This year's theme is "Tourism and Tunisia"

The assessment criteria are available HERE

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The middle of the presentation

Dear students,

You are kindly invited to post a part of the middle of your presentation, so as to get some feedback on your work.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Dear students,

Now that you have chosen your topic, which is related to environmental issues, you can write your introduction and post it below. 
You can find a reminder of the different parts of an introduction HERE

Do not forget to indicate which group you belong to.

To post your introduction, just click on 'Comments' and write your text in the box.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


The jury will assess your presentation according to the following criteria:

I. STRUCTURE (7.5 pts)

1-       INTRODUCTION (2.5 pts)
  • Welcoming the audience
  • Introducing oneself (name, position)
  • Introducing the topic
  • Presenting the structure of the talk
  • Giving the length of the presentation 
  • Presenting the questions policy

2-       BODY (3 pts)

  • 3 parts, organized in a logical way
  • Each part is divided into different sub-parts
  • The different parts of the presentation are signaled :

- Ending the introduction

- Beginning the main body

- Ending the main body

  • The organization:

- The structure is logical

-  Information is organized into lists

-  Linkers are used to facilitate understanding

-  Information is sequenced

3-       ENDING (2 pts)

  • Summarizing the main points
  • Giving conclusions or recommendations
  • Thanking the audience 
  • Inviting for questions or introducing discussion

II. CONTENT (5 pts)

1-     TOPIC  (3  pts)
  • Related to the theme, i.e. MARKETING.
  •  Showing some form of originality
  • Rich in well-selected information.
2-     VISUALS (2 pts)

-         Clear and appropriate to the content

-         Used effectively: they should supplement the content and the speaker should refer to them

III. DELIVERY (7.5 pts)

1-       STYLE (1.5 pts)

  • Maintaining eye contact with the audience
  • Using appropriate body language and gestures
  • Varying the speed, voice volume and pitch to maintain interest
  • Overcoming nerves and showing enthusiasm for their topic


Either giving an appropriate answer, asking for clarification before answering, or admitting not knowing the answer

3-       TIME MANAGEMENT (0.5 pts)

The presentation should last between 10 and 15 min

4-       LANGUAGE proficiency (3.5 pts)

Friday, January 8, 2016


The oral presentation skills exam will take place on the 11 and 12 January 2016, following this schedule:

Monday, 11 January, at 8:30 a.m., for the following students:

Monday, 11 January, at 2:00 p.m. for the following students:

Tuesday, 12 January, at 8:30 a.m., for the following students:


 Tuesday, 12 January, at 2:00 p.m. for the following students: