Saturday, November 15, 2014


Now that you have posted the introduction to your presentation, you can write the ending and post it here (just click on 'comments' below and type in your text). Please remember that the conclusion should include the following parts:

  •  Ending the main body of the presentation
  • Summary of the main points of your prsentation (what you want the audience to remember)
  • Conclusion
  • Inviting questions
Don't forget to read the other groups' work and to give them your feedback!


  1. That's all we want to say for now about education in Tunisia. I would like to end by emphisizing the main points which are the diffrences of tuituion between state and private institutions and the previlages and weaknesses of the two types. In our opinion , we have to think about a new system of education that enables all students to have equal opportunities by creating semi public universities.
    Let me just finish with a question : If we students don't suggest this idea, who is going to put his fingers on the point?
    Now, we have 15 minutes for questions and discussions; I would be very interested to hear your comments.

    1. Thanks for this well-structured ending Pink Group!
      Just mind the spelling/typing mistakes...

    2. Thank you Ms Lydie .

    3. we liked the ending of the pink group. good work and good luck!

    4. Thanks for your kind comment Blue Group!

    5. thank you pink group for this good ending ; i think it will be more better if you match the weaknesses of the two types with your feasible solution.

    6. Thank you Blue group , we wish all the best for you. we appreciate your comment Anonymous and we will take it into consideration

  2. That's all we want to say for now on. We would like to finish with a summary of the main points which are the assessment of public expenditure on higher education in Tunisia and the potential challenges that can face it and the possible future financing strategies.
    Let's just ask teh next question: Is higher education in Tunisia well financed? or would it be better to increase financing in order to get a good edcuation quality?
    Now, we have 15 minutes for your questions and discussions so feel free to ask.

  3. Thank you Blue group, your ending is well structured too. Be careful to complete your sentences: "That's all we want to say for now on" .. on what? "so feel free to ask"... to ask what?

  4. thank you Ms.Ben Gayed for your remark. we will fix that.

    That's all we want to say for now on financing higher education in Tunisia. We would like to finish with a summary of the main points which are the assessment of public expenditure on higher education in Tunisia and the potential challenges that can face it and the possible future financing strategies.
    Let's just ask teh next question: Is higher education in Tunisia well financed? or would it be better to increase financing in order to get a good edcuation quality?
    Now, we have 15 minutes for your questions and discussions so feel free to ask any question.

  5. thank you Blue group for your ending. i think that you didn't follow exactly the parts of the ending as we studied ; it lacks the conclusion which contains the limitations of the main body of the presentation to match it with the proposed question.

    1. That's right! Good insight! the conclusion is missing Blue Group!


    That’s all what I ‘ve tried to present to you today ,let me summarize what we have seen together starting from showing you how Education seems as an investment in individuals those are the power point of the workplace,
    And those in turn the departure point for enhancing economy .Despite our reality , that youngsters still dropping out of schools for numerous and challenging reasons.
    In the light of what we have seen , I suggest that you ,you and you ,others as well ,keep on trying ,carry on studying ,make it lifelong learning ,it makes you in turn, highly regarded in whatever position.
    Let me remind you what Maya Angelou once said ”I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better ”
    Thank you extremely for your attention and if there are any suggestions ,comments ,questions as well ,I m willing to .

    1. Thanks for posting your ending OrangE Group!
      It seems that there are some syntax problems in your summary, edit it to improve it... Same thing with the conclusion "others as well ,keep on trying ,carry on studying ,make it lifelong learning ,it makes you in turn, highly regarded in whatever position." reword this sentence please....
      Check your last sentence....You're willing to do what?
      Nice quotation!



    Welcome to all of you i m pleased that many of you could come …For those who do not know me my name is Wafa Garfa and my colleagues : thouraya aboulfarah and marwa ounissi. As some of you know we are three business English students from the high institute of languages of Gabes… Before al, let me tell you something : four years ago i attended a conference about Education in Tunisia and i was asked about my future career ,then my answer was neither persuasive nor serious just funny , because of my low consideration to that issue…
    So far ,education and professions relationship is clear enough to me ,So that ,today i have chosen to talk about the interdependence of education and employment in Tunisia and today's talk is extremely relevant for you as futurist employees and employers .We have divided our presentation into three major parts distinguished as follows : part one deals with education as an investment in human resources, moving to part two which studies the implementation of individuals' qualifications into the workplace ,ending up with part three that tells education is the original source of wealth of a country .Our presentation takes about 25min to copy with all the points .Please make sure that all have handouts and do not worry about taking notes i will email the presentation to to check details . After my talk there will be time for comments and questions.

  8. Thanks Orange group, this is much better even though there are still a few typos...

  9. Ms Lydie ; i have corrected it
    Orang group

    That’s all what I ‘ve tried to present to you today ,let me summarize what we have seen together starting from Education as an investment in individuals ,those are in turn ,the strong point of their workplace. Also they are the foremost source of enhancing economy.
    Despite that many youngsters still dropping out of schools for numerous and challenging reasons.
    In the light of what we have seen , I suggest that all of us ought to keep on trying ,carry on studying and make it lifelong learning to be highly regarded in whatever position in the future.
    Let me remind you what Maya Angelou once said ”I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better ”
    Thank you extremely for your attention and if there are any suggestions ,comments ,questions as well ,I m willing to answer.

  10. please Ms would you comment on my ending;thank you

  11. Sorry for the delay orange group! I like your perseverance!

    The last part: conclusion and so on is better but the summary still lack clarity, because of the syntax and grmmar mistakes I think, especially this part "those are in turn ,the strong point of their workplace. Also they are the foremost source of enhancing economy.
    Despite that many youngsters still dropping out of schools for numerous and challenging reasons. "
    See what you can do to clarify it...

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. That’s all what I ‘ve tried to present to you today .Let me summarize what we have already seen together :we started with Education as an investment in individuals in order to implement these qualifications and skills within the the workplace moving to show education as source of development in the economy of a country.
    You know that a lot of youngsters drop out of educational institutions yearly and that s a loss……….
    In the light of what we have seen , I suggest that all of us ought to keep on trying ,carry on studying and make it lifelong learning to be highly regarded in whatever position in the future.
    Let me remind you what Maya Angelou once said ”I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better ”
    Thank you extremely for your attention and I m willing to answer any suggestions ,comments ,questions as well ,.

  14. It sounds great now, good job Orange Group!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. THANK YOU Ms Lydie we greatly appreciate your efforts;

  15. Well,that's all we want to say about grants and loans of Tunisian students.Let us just run through the main three points again,which are grants and loans offred by the Tunisian Office of the University Services also their demands and conditions.what we need is to help students and encouraging them in their studies.let's just ask this question;how can a maximum number of students profit from loans and grants?
    Now, we have 15 minutes for questions and discussions.we would be interested to answer your questions.

    1. Thanks for your ending turquoise group. It is well structured but could you please give more information about the content of the presentation i.e. grants and loans, in your summary?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Well, that s all about our presentation. Before we stop, let us go through our main points again. We dealt with status of financial Tunisian student and its evolution. Then we compared between his pecuniary conditions in public versus private institution. At last we ended with the functioning role of government to deal with it. We would recommend that being up-to-date with financial case of Tunisian student make it easier to find out any weak point that could be a reason to stand against student ambitions. That s what bring us to decidedly detect the challenges that may hamper the student.
    Thank you all for your attention. Feel free now we welcome your questions, comments, recommendation and suggestions.

    1. Thank you for this clear ending yellow group! There are just a few language mistakes that you should manage to correct. And it would be better if you could give the main ideas to remember about the financial situation of Tunisian students, which you've developed in each of the 3 parts of your presentation.

  19. Well, that s all about our presentation. Before we stop, let us go through our main points again. We dealt with status of financial Tunisian student and its evolution. We explained the different stages that were shown depending on the national economy. Then we compared between his pecuniary conditions in public versus private institution. We had seen that there are several points of weakness that affect on student aspiration. That s why we ended with the functioning role of government to manage it through different strategies . We would recommend that being up-to-date with financial case of Tunisian student make it easier to find out any weak point that could be a reason to stand against student ambitions. That s what bring us to decidedly detect the challenges that may hamper the student.
    Thank you all for your attention. Feel free now we welcome your questions, comments, recommendation and suggestions.

  20. That' better! But please edit these sentences: "there are several points of weakness that affect on student aspiration" and "Feel free now we welcome your questions..."

  21. Well, that s all about our presentation. Before we stop, let us go through our main points again. We dealt with status of financial Tunisian student and its evolution. We explained the different stages that were shown depending on the national economy. Then we compared between his pecuniary conditions in public versus private institution by which we revealed disadvantages among both of them because it has a specific financing criteria that present an obstacles for students wills. That s why we ended with the functioning role of government to manage it through different strategies. We would recommend that being up-to-date with financial case of Tunisian student make it easier to find out any weak point that could be a reason to stand against student ambitions. That s what bring us to decidedly detect the challenges that may hamper the student.
    Thank you all for your attention. We welcome your questions, comments, recommendation and suggestions.

  22. Thank for your effort yellow group! One last improvement? Use the plural: "Tunisian studentS" and change all related pronouns and verbs...


  23. i hope that i fixed it correctly this time

    Well, that s all about our presentation. Before we stop, let us go through our main points again. We dealt with status of financial Tunisian students and its evolution. We explained the different stages that were shown depending on the national economy. Then we compared between their pecuniary conditions in public versus private institution by which we revealed disadvantages among both of them because it has a specific financing criteria that present an obstacles for students wills. That s why we ended with the functioning role of government to manage it through different strategies. We would recommend that being up-to-date with financial case of Tunisian students make it easier to find out any weak point that could be a reason to stand against their ambitions. That s what bring us to decidedly detect the challenges that may hamper the students.
    Thank you all for your attention. We welcome your questions, comments, recommendation and suggestions.

  24. Good, now you can focus on the middle of your presentation!
