Wednesday, November 5, 2014

THE INTRODUCTION (education in Tunisia)

Now that you have chosen your topic, you can write your introduction and post it below (due November 12, 2014). 
You can find a reminder of the different parts of an introduction HERE

Do not forget to indicate which group you belong to.

To post your introduction, just click on 'Comments' and write your text in the box.


  1. You have such an interesting blog. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your posts. All the best for your future blogging journey.

  2. Good morning, it is such a delight for us to meet you today.We are Amel Bouguima and Ines Beltaif,as director manager and assistant of the Tunisian office of university services.We are glad that you could come today.We would like to update you on an important department of services in our office which is university loans and grants in Tunisia.Our topic is very interesting for you as students. In this presentation,we are going to reach the followig two parts.First, we will look at the various grants offred by Tunisian Office of university services.Second, we will deal with loans lented to students.Our talk will take about 15 minutes.Did you know that the number of
    student benefitting from a grant increased from 50,000 in 2000 to 102,000 in 2007? After our talk, there will be time for a discussion and any question.

  3. Thanks a lot, Amel and Ines for posting your introduction. I can see all the different parts of a good introduction, except the one about "Helping the audience to remember the presentation". Moreover, ".Did you know that the number of student benefitting from a grant increased from 50,000 in 2000 to 102,000 in 2007?" should come after introducing yourself, not at the end...
    There are also a few typing and grammar mistakes that you can correct. Keep up the good work !

  4. thanks a lot Mrs .what about this one ! but we dont understand how to help the audience to remember.

    Good morning, it is such a delight for us to meet you today.We are Amel Bouguima and Ines Beltaif,as director manager and assistant of the Tunisian office of university services.We are glad that you could come today. Moreover, did you know that the number of student benefitting from a grant increased from 50,000 in 2000 to 102,000 in 2007? So,we would like to update you on an important department of services in our office which is university loans and grants in Tunisia.Our topic is very interesting for you as students. In this presentation,we are going to reach the followig two parts.First, we will look at the various grants offred by Tunisian Office of university services.Second, we will deal with loans lented to students.Our talk will take about 15 minutes. After our talk, there will be time for a discussion and any question.

  5. Yes, that's better. To help your audience remember the information, will you give your audience handouts, post your presentation online or send it by email?
    Just one more point I have forgotten to mention: it would be better to divide your presentation into 3 parts!
    Good work!

  6. Good Morning everybody! We are very pleased to meet you here today. We, Fahima Maamar,Mouna Bouzommita and Sabrine Drine, as officers of the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Information Technology and Communication, are going to speak about financing higher education in Tunisia since it is an important topic to be discussed. we will divide our presentation into 3 parts ; in the first part we will deal with the assessment of public expenditure on higher education in Tunisia, in the next section we will explore the challenges posed to financing by demographic evolution, the quality of education and private provision and the last section we will examine the future financing strategies.Our talk will take 15 minutes. Do you think that public expenditure on higher education is enough or there are other ways?. We'd ask you to save your questions for the end.

  7. Thank you very much for posting your introduction Fahima, Mouna and Sabrine! You could make the following adjustments to improve it:
    - Explain why the topic is relevant for the audience, not just that it is important... and state the purpose of the presentation.
    - The structure of your presentation is not clear, are there 3 parts as recommended?
    - Put the question "Do you think that public expenditure on higher education is enough or there are other ways?" before the introduction of the topic. What do you mean by "there are other ways"?
    - How will you help the audience to remember your presentation? Will you give them handouts, send them the information by email etc. ?

    I hope this helps, good work!

  8. Good afternoon ladies and gentleman, it is pleasure to welcome you all here today. We are glad that many of you could come especially since we know this time of the year is probebly the busiest for you. Let us introduce ourselves. I am Soumaya chabaa,Rabiaa hzami, Wifak hfaiedh and Rihab chaibi, third year Business English students from the Higher Institute of languages of Gabes. Do you know that there are 196 state higher institutions in Tunisia, and 47 are private. What do you think about these numbers? So this is why at the end of our talk you will be familiar with the main differences between the two types of higher institutions in term of tuition. We will focus on three major parts; point one deals with the tuition’s differences, then, we will move on to the privileges of state and private higher institutions, and we will end with the weaknesses of each one. Our presentation should take 20 minutes to cover this issue. Do not worry about taking notes. I will e-mail the presentation to you. Please if you have any question, at the end of our talk there will be time for discussion

    1. Thank you for sharing your introduction online Pink group! Your introduction is very good and well-structured! There are just a few language mistakes to be corrected...

    2. Thank you a lot Ms , we really appreciate your help and your encouragement.

  9. Mrs, what about this one!!,i understand how to help the audience remember the informations.

    Good morning, it is such a delight for us to meet you today.We are Amel Bouguima and Ines Beltaif,as director manager and assistant of the Tunisian office of university services.We are glad that you could come today. Moreover, did you know that the number of student benefitting from a grant increased from 50,000 in 2000 to 102,000 in 2007? So,we would like to update you on an important department of services in our office which is university loans and grants in Tunisia.Our topic is very interesting for you as students. In this presentation,we are going to reach the followig two parts.First, we will look at the various grants offred by Tunisian Office of university services.Second, we will deal with loans lented to students.finally,we gonna provide you with demands of grants and loans and their conditions.Our talk will take about 15 minutes. After our talk, there will be time for a discussion and any question.Please,do not worry about taking notes,we will e-mail the presentation to you.

    1. Thanks for your hard work, Turquoise group! Now you've got 3 parst in your presentation although your third part is not clear to me, check your vocabulary please... I don't really see the difference between the second and the third part.

  10. Gold group:
    Good morning ladies and gentleman!
    it's good to see you alll here today, we are Hajer Elmabrouk and Rawdha Boussaffa third year business english students from the highier institute of Languages of Gabes.
    What we would like to present to you today is investing in education.we will provide indicators that will decrease the doubts and worries which characterised the transion period strongly maked by downgraded Tunisia rating after the revolution. We will devide our presentation into three main points:
    point one deals with the policies and strategies of investing. Point two we will focus on who is responsable for creating an effective educational system? Then we will end with how the new educational system can improve the economy?
    Our presentation will take 20 min to cover this issue.Don't worry about taking notes , we will e-mail the presentation to you and after our talk there will be time for discussing your questions.

  11. Thank you for putting you rintroduction on the blog Gold group! It's a good first version, but you need to attract the audience's attention and to tell them why this presentation is important for them. Keep up the good work!

  12. Good morning everybody,we are happy to see all of you here today.We appreciate your coming.Our names are Nour Houda Sellami,Abir Bangui,Ines Assadi and Soumaya Chaaban.We are going to deal today with the financial situation of the Tunisien student . This topic reflect our own experience as we are students.Our introduction is devided into three parts.First we will talk about the current financial situation of the Tunisian student then we will deal with the role of the government to go with it .Finaly we will end with the difference of financial situation of Tuniasian student in public virsus private universities.Our talk will take about 20 minutes .We will appreciate if you do not interrupt us and don't worry about taking notes.We will l be handing out copies of the power point slides.

    1. Thanks a lot for your introduction yellow group! Here's my feedback:
      Try to get the audience’s attention with anecdote, a question etc. before introducing the topic, then explain why the topic is relevant for the audience and state the purpose of the presentation.

      There are several typing or spelling mistakes that you should also correct.

  13. Good Morning everybody! We are very pleased to meet you here today. We, Fahima Maamar,Mouna Bouzommita and Sabrine Drine, as officers of the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Information Technology and Communication.Do you think that financing higher education in Tunisia is only the responsibility of the government ? Or it can be financed by other parts as businessmen?
    We are going to speak about a very important topic which is relevant to you as students. The topic is about financing higher education in Tunisia and how to improve it. We will divide our presentation into 3 parts: in the first part we will deal with the assessment of public expenditure on higher education in Tunisia, in the next section we will explore the challenges posed to financing higher education, and the last section we will examine the future financing strategies in Tunisia.
    Our presentation will take 20 minutes and don't worry we will posted it online for you. At the end we will give you 5min for questions.

    1. Good work, except that something is missing in the second sentence, here's the previous verson: "We, Fahima Maamar,Mouna Bouzommita and Sabrine Drine, as officers of the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Information Technology and Communication, are going to speak about financing higher education in Tunisia "

    2. Good Morning everybody! We are very pleased to meet you here today. We, Fahima Maamar,Mouna Bouzommita and Sabrine Drine, as officers of the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Information Technology and Communication, are going to speak about a very important topic which is relevant to you as students. Do you think that financing higher education in Tunisia is only the responsibility of the government ? Or it can be financed by other parts as businessmen?
      Our topic is about financing higher education in Tunisia and how to improve it. We will divide our presentation into 3 parts: in the first part we will deal with the assessment of public expenditure on higher education in Tunisia, in the next section we will explore the challenges posed to financing higher education, and the last section we will examine the future financing strategies in Tunisia.
      Our presentation will take 20 minutes and don't worry we will posted it online for you. At the end we will give you 5min for questions.

    3. Thank you Ms for your remark and your help

  14. Orang group november 12.2014 at 00.00pm

    welcome to all of you i m pleeased that many of you could come for those who do not know me my name is wafa garfa and my colleagues thouraya aboulfarah and marwa ounissi As some of you know we are three businnes english students from the high institute of languages of Gabes Before all let me tell you a thing : four years ago i attended a conference about education in Tunisia and i was asked about my future career ,then my answer was funny and persuasive and serious because of low consideration to that issue
    Actually ,i have a full understanding of education and professions relationship ,Sothat ,today i have chosen to share my understanding and talk about the enterdependence of education and employment in Tunisia and today's talk is extremely relevant fo you as futurist employees and employers .We have divided our presentation into three major parts distinguished as follows part one deals with education as an investment in human resources moving to part two which studies the implementation of individuals' qualifications into the workplace ending up with part three that tells education is the original source of wealth of a country ,our presentation wil last about 25min to copy with all the points ?please make sure that all have handouts and do not worry about taking notes i ll email the presentation to to check details ,After my talk there will be time for comments and questions .

    1. Thank you for your introduction Orange group!
      I see that you've had some problems with typing the text and I hope you'll be able to correct the mistakes in your final project.

      On the whole, the intriduction is well organized.

      But this sentence "Actually ,i have a full understanding of education and professions relationship" is a bit strange... how can you have FULL understanding of this... It sounds like you are boasting... try to express it differently.

  15. White Group :
    Hello ladies and gentlemen. we are glad you've graced us with your presence , and we really hope you enjoy our presentation , first , allow us to introdue ourselfs , I'm Achraf Latrach , Ali Chagra and Amel Nouili, third year Business English students from the Higher Institute of languages of Gabes

    So , have you ever heard about the Cantonese slang “No money no talk” ?! Money, money and money. People always mention this word in their life. Do you think money is important in our life besides food, shelter and love? If you think so, then why we need it? Nowadays, we always hear about bank robbery, snatch thefts, loan sharks and others through media. Why did these crimes happened? It is because they have financial problem in their life until they involved in crimes. Financial problem also happens among students especially when they further their study away from their hometown. Increased expectations, responsibilities, and educational demands face all college students today. While the framework of their college degrees may be academic in nature, they need financial stability to make the most of their college experience. Over time, the financial demands on students have increased to a point where many students are now focusing less on their academic goals in order to survive in a world full of debt. It is a high-stakes financial environment, where students face these money crises, seeking for resources of stability, hope, and support that enable them to survive. Actaully , Our work will tackle three major parts :we will start with the student loan problems , then we will discover the expenses of students and how they deal with it (scholarships etc ) and we will end with the transport problems that a student can face daily in his life. Our presentation will take not more than 30 mints ; 10 for each . Do not worry about taking notes. I will e-mail the presentation to you and please feel free by the end of our presentation to ask about any point that you found,somehow, mysterious .

    1. Thank you for your introduction White group, but I think you should be more self-confident and work harder so as to write your own introduction rather than plagiarizing...
      I've found that at least half of your introduction was copied from:

      So write your introduction again please and with your own words this time!

    2. White Group ( sorry for our late reply )
      Hello ladies and gentlemen. we are glad you've graced us with your presence , and we really hope you enjoy our presentation , first , allow us to introduce ourselves , I'm Achraf Latrach , Ali Chagra and Amel Nouili, third year Business English students from the Higher Institute of languages of Gabes

      We have allowed ourselves to mention the importance of education as it is the beam, the sweat and the backbone of a healthy , creative generation. Hence we have chosen this sensitive topic to tackle the main issue that student’s suffer from ,which is the financial dilemma. As student’s nowadays are focusing less on their academical projects and get busy with trying to collect money for the sake of their educational perseverance. Actually , Our work will tackle three major parts :we will start with the student loan problems , then we will discover the expenses of students and how they deal with it (scholarships etc ) and we will end with the transport problems that a student can face daily in his life. Our presentation will take not more than 30 mints ; 10 for each . Do not worry about taking notes. I will e-mail the presentation to you and please feel free by the end of our presentation to ask about any point that you found,somehow, mysterious

    3. I confirm that, in spite of a few mistakes, your introduction is better now! Nevertheless, are you sure that your 3 parts are organized in a logical way?

  16. Hi everyone, it’s a pleasure to welcome you today. Let us introduce ourselves ; we are the Silver Group. As you know we are third year Business English students. The topic of our presentation is Education and Employment for English Students of ISLG, this topic is very important for you as English students especially that after seven months you will graduate and enter the big world of employment. I remember in school a teacher used to say : « when you graduate starting your own business or work in any job never stand in the same spot acting the role of a victim and believing it ».
    . what we want to show you is the employment problems and to compare between fundamental and applied English students of ISLG. We’ve divided our presentation into three main parts ; part one deals with the employment problems especially if the job is related to the diploma, part two deals with the comparison between the fundamental and applied English students, and part three deals with some solutions. It should take about 20 minutes to cover these parts and don’t worry about taking notes we will e-mail the presentation to you. Also after our talk there’ll be time for answering your questions.

    1. Thanks a lot for your introduction Silver group!!! It is very well structured!
      You'd just need to reword this « when you graduate starting your own business or work in any job never stand in the same spot acting the role of a victim and believing it ». because it is not clear...
      Keep up the good work!

  17. Good morning everybody, such a pleasant to see all of you here today. We appreciate your coming. We present the yellow group and Our names are Nour Houda Sellami , Abir Bangui,Ines Assadi and Soumaya Chaaban .We are third year business English students at the Higher Institute of languages in Gabes.
    Do you think that financial status of student has that big surround in our country!

    Today we are going to deal with the current financial condition of the Tunisian student. Our topic is very important for you as business students who need to be up-to-date with the evolution of student financial term at the economic level and the problem that encounter it.
    We have divided our presentation into three main parts. First, we will talk about the current financial situation of the Tunisia student. Second, we will move to the difference of financial situation of Tunisia student in public versus private universities. Finally, we will end with the role of the government to go with it.
    Our talk will take about 20 minutes .We will appreciate if you do not interrupt us . Please don't worry about taking notes .We will be handing out copies of the power point slides.

  18. Thank you for posting your introduction yellow group!
    Onthe whole, the structure is ok but please edit your first sentence, as some words are missing there.
    And do not forget to find a way to attract your audience's attention.
    What do you mean by "the role of the government to go with it." ? Rephrase this sentence, as it is not clear, please.

  19. Ladies and gentleman, we appreciate your coming today. Let as introduce ourselves. We are the yellow group and our names are Nour Houda Sellami, Abir Bangui, Ines Assadi and Soumaya Chaaban .We are third year business English students at the Higher Institute in Gabes.
    Our topic is about the financial situation of Tunisian student. Our topic is very important for you as business students who need to be up-to-date with the evolution of student financial term at the national economic level and the problem that encounter it. So that we wonder do you think that financial status has a surround and interest in our country! If yes do you know what the different evolutions that had been shown are!
    That is the first part of the three following portions. We will talk about the current financial conditions of student and its transition in relation with the national economic level. Then we will deal with the difference of that case in public versus private universities in terms of points of power and weakness that may affect on student. Finally, we will end with the role of the government to manage the pecuniary conditions of student and the strategies applied to support him.
    Our talk will take about 20 minutes .We will appreciate if you do not interrupt us. Please don't worry about taking notes .We will be handing out copies of the power point slides.

  20. Thank you for your efforts yellow group!
    In this sentence: "financial status has a surround and interest in our country! If yes do you know what the different evolutions that had been shown are!", please clarify "surround and interest" and what evolutions are you talking about?
    What do you mean by "the difference of that case" ?
    And please put the word "student" into the plural ...

  21. Ladies and gentleman, we appreciate your coming today. Let as introduce ourselves. We are the yellow group and our names are Nour Houda Sellami, Abir Bangui, Ines Assadi and Soumaya Chaaban .We are third year business English students at the Higher Institute in Gabes.
    Our topic is about the financial situation of Tunisian students. Our topic is very important for you as business students who need to be up-to-date with current student's financial term at the national economic level and the problem that encounter it. So that we wonder do you think that financial status of students is supported in our country! Does the government offer the best opportunities for students to continue their study with no financial obstacles!
    That is the first part of the three following portions. We will talk about the current financial conditions of student and its transition in relation with the national economic level. Then we will deal with the difference of that case in public versus private universities in terms of points of power and weakness that may affect on student. Finally, we will end with the role of the government to manage the pecuniary conditions of student and the strategies applied to support him.
    Our talk will take about 20 minutes .We will appreciate if you do not interrupt us. Please don't worry about taking notes .We will be handing out copies of the power point slides.

  22. I think your introduction is ok on the whole, in spite of a few remaining language mistakes. Now, try to focus on the middle of your presentaiton...
